Share Calculator Nepal | Buy Sell Calculator Nepal

Welcome to Share Calculator Nepal. You can calculate the exact amount that you are going to be paid or receive in the buying and selling process. We know that the buyer/investor has to pay an additional amount besides the actual cost/price of the share. So, making it easy for you we have introduced this Share Calculator.

📈 Share Calculator

Share Calculator is an online tool made for Nepalese investors and traders who want to calculate the amount that they have to pay while buying certain units of shares at certain prices. Also, we have made it easy for the sellers, too. The sellers can also check the amount that they will get after deducting all the commissions, Fees, DP charges and other fees.

How to Calculate Share Price: Process to use Share Calculator

While Buying

  • Choose Transaction Type as Buy,
  • Share Type as Ordinary Share,
  • Enter the price that you want to pay for each unit of share in Price per Share,
  • Enter the no. Of kitta/units of shares that you want to buy in Number of shares,
  • Tap/click on Calculate.

While Selling

  • Choose Transaction Type as Sell,
  • Share Type as Ordinary Share,
  • Enter the price that you want to pay for each unit of share in Price per Share,
  • Enter the no. Of kitta/units of share that you want to buy in Number of shares,
  • Tap/click on Calculate.

About Share Calculator site is an online website made to give an idea to traders and investors about the amount they have to pay or receive after buying and selling the shares. We know that we have to pay certain charges while buying and selling the stocks in NEPSE. So, for this we aim to facilitate and share the amount and charges that you have to pay additionally while purchasing the shares.

Just take an example if you have purchased 10 units of shares/stock of XYZ Company at Rs 580 per unit. Then, in this process, your exact share amount will be Rs (Rs 580×10 = Rs 5,800). But additionally, you have to pay extra for it. That includes the SEBON Fee, Commission, DP Charge, etc. With these calculations, your exact payable amount for buying these 10 units of shares will be Rs 5,800+ Rs xxx. So, this Share Calculator Nepal helps to find out the extra Rs xxx amount that you have to pay while buying the shares and vice versa.

Transactions Included in the Calculation Process: While Buying

During the buying process, the investors/traders will have to pay these mentioned transaction particulars along with the total amount of shares/stocks.

  • Total Amount: The exact amount of share. It’s the multiplication of units of shares with the price per share. For example, 10 Units of Shares x Rs 180 per unit of shares.
  • Commission: Includes NEPSE Commission and SEBON Regulatory Fee
  • DP Charge: Depository Participant Charges are the charges deducted by the company from where you have opened the DEMAT Account.
  • SEBON FEE: The charges deducted/taken by the Securities Board of Nepal. It’s the fee taken by SEBON for processing your shares.
  • Total Payable: It’s the sum of the total amount, including all other fees, charges and commissions. It’s the exact amount that you have to pay while purchasing the shares.

Example: If you buy the 10 units of shares at Rs 450 of any company. Then,

Total AmountNPR 4500.00
CommissionNPR 18.00
DP ChargeNPR 25.00
Total Payable (NPR)NPR 4543.68

Total Payable = Total Amount + All charges & Commission

= Rs 4500 + Rs (18+067+25)

= Rs 4543.68

(Total Payable is the amount that you have to pay while purchasing the shares)

Transactions Included in the Calculation Process: While Selling

Similar to the buying process, the selling process of shares also follows a similar pattern in commission and charges. Here’s the particulars that are included,

  • Total Amount: The exact amount of share. It’s the multiplication of units of shares with the price per share. For example, 10 Units of Shares x Rs 180 per unit of shares.
  • Commission: Includes NEPSE Commission and SEBON Regulatory Fee
  • DP Charge: Depository Participant Charges are the charges deducted by the company from where you have opend the DEMAT Account.
  • SEBON FEE: The charges deducted/taken by the Securities Board of Nepal. It’s the fee taken by SEBON for processing your shares.
  • Total Receivable: It’s the subtraction (-) of the total amount, including all other fees, charges and commissions. It’s the exact amount that you have to pay while purchasing the shares. It means it’s the amount that you will get after deducting all the charges from your total amount.

Example: If you have sold 10 units of shares at Rs 450 of any company. Then,

Total AmountNPR 4500.00
CommissionNPR 18.00
DP ChargeNPR 25.00
Total Receivable (NPR)NPR 4456.32

Total Receivable = Total Amount – All charges & Commission

= Rs 4500 – Rs (18+067+25)

= Rs 4456.32

(Total Receivable is the amount that you will get in your bank account)

Who is DP?

It may be the Banks, Investment Companies or even the Broker Companies. Like if you have opened your DEMAT and Mero Share from Nabil Bank then your DP company will be either Nabil Investment or Nabil Stock Dealer. Similarly, if you have opened the DEMAT and Mero Share from NIC Asia Bank, then the DP will be NIC Asia Capital. So, these company takes charge while purchasing the share.

What is Capital Gain Tax on Shares?

It’s the tax amount the investor or trader must pay when they profit by selling that particular share. Capital gain tax is the profit amount that should be paid when the investor or trader sells that share at a higher price than the buying price.
It means if you sell the shares at a higher price than your buying price, then you have to pay the capital gain tax amount in that share. But if you sell the shares below your buying price, then you don’t have to pay this capital gain tax.
In simple,
Capital Gain = Selling Amount – Buying Amount
If it’s positive, or you made a profit in this process, then you have to pay the tax on the profit amount. If not, then you don’t need to pay the capital gain tax.

What is the capital gain tax percentage?

For an individual investor, they have to pay 5% of the capital gain amount and 7.5% for institutional investors for 365 days.

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